1. Viri caʼ nda scatola nera, si senti u pilota caʼ respira fino all'ultimo, ma tipo caʼ avi a pantaciata. Sicunnu mia, tu mi sta capennu, era intra cu una.
(Look that in the black box you can hear the pilot breathing until the last moment, like He has got pantaciata. In my opinion, you understand me, he was with a girl).
Mammoririmomà, ta ricu iu a verità. U cucinu di me cugnatu travagghia a
Berlino. Non fu nʼproblema di testa. Chiddu era tuccatu da rannula.
(Mymotherhastodie, I say the truth to you. My brother in lawʼs cousin works in Berlin. The pilot wasnʼt mad. He was touched by hailstorm).
3. − Ta pozzu riri naʼ palora? Da potta, di fora, na rapevi mancu cu nʼperi i poccu.
− Mpare, parrannu cu tia, su cʼera iu supra dʼaerio, da potta ta rapeva cu na lastra.
(− Can I say a word to you? If you were outside, you cannot open the cabinʼs door, even with a pigʼs foot.
− Friend to me, talking with you, if I was in the airplane, I can open the door with a radiography).
4. Pi coppa di chiddi di lʼIris a potta non si po rapiri chiui di fora. Ie comu su ti scanti caʼ ti futtunu a to casa e poi, quannu ti tiri a potta, na po' rapiri chiui.
(Because of terrorists of ISIS, you cannot open the cabinʼdoor when you are outside. Itʼs as if you are afraid that someone can steal at your home. So, when you close the door, you cannot open it never again).
5. Taʼ squari su dʼaerio era direttu a Catania. Astura chiddu u ittava intra oʼcrateri.
(You can imagine if the airlplane was going to Catania. In that case, the pilot could throw it inside Etnaʼs crater).
6. Ma iu ricu, invece di fari trasiri a nautru nda cabina, se u pilota agghiri appisciari, non è chiu facili mettiri u bagnu intra a cabina?
(But I say to myself, instead of a second person in the cabin, when the pilot want to go outside to the bathroom, not is better put a bathroom in the cabin?)
7. A Luftanza u sapeva ca chiddu era malatu caʼ testa. Sulu caʼ no puteva riri. Pi questioni di praivas.
(Lufthansa company knows the pilot had got head problems. But they cannot say to us, because of privacy law).
8. Semu ndo trimmila e ancora non cʼè nʼdispositivo ca', si unu mpazzisci, lʼaerio u ponu cumannari da terra, attipo playstation.
(Itʼs 3000 d.c. and there isnʼt a way so that, if the pilot goes crazy, someone can command the airplan from the earth, like a playstation).
9. I tedeschi fanu i machini boni e poi ne sanu puttari.
(Germans made good cars, but after they arenʼt able to drive them).
10. − Ma su ti voi ammazzari, ricu iu, ti spari nʼcoppu nda testa a to casa. No, pi mia chissu era nʼterrorista. U taliasti bonu nda facci? Pareva beduino.
(But, if you want to die, you can shoot yourself with a gun. In my opinion, he was a terrorist. But, you saw him good in his face? He looked like a beduin).
11. Au, chi spacchiu si? Na tri anni i zinghiri mi trasenu quattru voti a casa. Uora mi fazzu muntari a potta di na cabina a casa.
(Oh my God, kiss pack you see. In three years gypsies entered my house four times. Now I put the door of a cabin to protect my home).
12. Ma tu a viriri su maia scantari quannu vegnu arreri a tia coì scuti. Prima caʼ mpazzisci e ti lassi curriri da punta o'molo.
(But, you see if I have to be afraid of you, when Iʼam behind you on the motocycle. Before youʼll go crazy and let you run from moloʼs point).
13. A Gimmania, ti manci i iustel e setti di matina. Ie nommale ca appoi ti patti a testa.
(In Germany, you eat wurstel at breakfast, so Itʼs normal that you go crazy)
14 Au iu, ommai, mi scantu macari di chiddu ca stacca i biglietti da littorina.
(Oh my God, now Iʼam afraid even of the person who controls tickets in little train that goes to Etna's little cities).
15. Mpare, ma u viristi du pilota quanto era depresso? In confronto, chiddi di lʼ11 settembre avevano sulu mpocu di malinconia.
(Friend to me, you saw that pilot how much was depressed? In comparison, terrorist of 11th september had got only a bit of melancholy).
16. Quantu cinni rissunu a du poveru Schettino.
(How many words said to that poor Schettino).
17. Ma ti pari nommali caʼ in Italia, ncoppu ti ricunu ca si nʼassassinu e ncoppu ti ricunu ca si innocenti? Allora, fanu beni aʼmerica. Docu, si si assassinu, tʼammazzunu. Accussì poi, si addununu caʼ eri innoccenti, non è ca ti ponu resuscitari.
(But do you think itʼs normal that in Italy, in a moment, a judge says youʼre guilty, a moment youʼre innocent? So, Itʼs better in USA, where, if youʼre guilty, they kill you, so after, if they discover you were innocent, they cannot resuscitate yourself).
18. - Mpare, talia sta foto su Instagram.
- Au, su ci metti nautru filtru a stu paesaggio, ti nesci mpaccu di mabboro.
(- Friend to me, look this photo on Instagram.
- oh, if you put another philter on your photo, it will become a pack of Marlboro).
**UMegghiu** & **Serpotta**
(Mymotherhastodie, I say the truth to you. My brother in lawʼs cousin works in Berlin. The pilot wasnʼt mad. He was touched by hailstorm).
3. − Ta pozzu riri naʼ palora? Da potta, di fora, na rapevi mancu cu nʼperi i poccu.
− Mpare, parrannu cu tia, su cʼera iu supra dʼaerio, da potta ta rapeva cu na lastra.
(− Can I say a word to you? If you were outside, you cannot open the cabinʼs door, even with a pigʼs foot.
− Friend to me, talking with you, if I was in the airplane, I can open the door with a radiography).
4. Pi coppa di chiddi di lʼIris a potta non si po rapiri chiui di fora. Ie comu su ti scanti caʼ ti futtunu a to casa e poi, quannu ti tiri a potta, na po' rapiri chiui.
(Because of terrorists of ISIS, you cannot open the cabinʼdoor when you are outside. Itʼs as if you are afraid that someone can steal at your home. So, when you close the door, you cannot open it never again).
5. Taʼ squari su dʼaerio era direttu a Catania. Astura chiddu u ittava intra oʼcrateri.
(You can imagine if the airlplane was going to Catania. In that case, the pilot could throw it inside Etnaʼs crater).
6. Ma iu ricu, invece di fari trasiri a nautru nda cabina, se u pilota agghiri appisciari, non è chiu facili mettiri u bagnu intra a cabina?
(But I say to myself, instead of a second person in the cabin, when the pilot want to go outside to the bathroom, not is better put a bathroom in the cabin?)
7. A Luftanza u sapeva ca chiddu era malatu caʼ testa. Sulu caʼ no puteva riri. Pi questioni di praivas.
(Lufthansa company knows the pilot had got head problems. But they cannot say to us, because of privacy law).
8. Semu ndo trimmila e ancora non cʼè nʼdispositivo ca', si unu mpazzisci, lʼaerio u ponu cumannari da terra, attipo playstation.
(Itʼs 3000 d.c. and there isnʼt a way so that, if the pilot goes crazy, someone can command the airplan from the earth, like a playstation).
9. I tedeschi fanu i machini boni e poi ne sanu puttari.
(Germans made good cars, but after they arenʼt able to drive them).
10. − Ma su ti voi ammazzari, ricu iu, ti spari nʼcoppu nda testa a to casa. No, pi mia chissu era nʼterrorista. U taliasti bonu nda facci? Pareva beduino.
(But, if you want to die, you can shoot yourself with a gun. In my opinion, he was a terrorist. But, you saw him good in his face? He looked like a beduin).
11. Au, chi spacchiu si? Na tri anni i zinghiri mi trasenu quattru voti a casa. Uora mi fazzu muntari a potta di na cabina a casa.
(Oh my God, kiss pack you see. In three years gypsies entered my house four times. Now I put the door of a cabin to protect my home).
12. Ma tu a viriri su maia scantari quannu vegnu arreri a tia coì scuti. Prima caʼ mpazzisci e ti lassi curriri da punta o'molo.
(But, you see if I have to be afraid of you, when Iʼam behind you on the motocycle. Before youʼll go crazy and let you run from moloʼs point).
13. A Gimmania, ti manci i iustel e setti di matina. Ie nommale ca appoi ti patti a testa.
(In Germany, you eat wurstel at breakfast, so Itʼs normal that you go crazy)
14 Au iu, ommai, mi scantu macari di chiddu ca stacca i biglietti da littorina.
(Oh my God, now Iʼam afraid even of the person who controls tickets in little train that goes to Etna's little cities).
15. Mpare, ma u viristi du pilota quanto era depresso? In confronto, chiddi di lʼ11 settembre avevano sulu mpocu di malinconia.
(Friend to me, you saw that pilot how much was depressed? In comparison, terrorist of 11th september had got only a bit of melancholy).
16. Quantu cinni rissunu a du poveru Schettino.
(How many words said to that poor Schettino).
17. Ma ti pari nommali caʼ in Italia, ncoppu ti ricunu ca si nʼassassinu e ncoppu ti ricunu ca si innocenti? Allora, fanu beni aʼmerica. Docu, si si assassinu, tʼammazzunu. Accussì poi, si addununu caʼ eri innoccenti, non è ca ti ponu resuscitari.
(But do you think itʼs normal that in Italy, in a moment, a judge says youʼre guilty, a moment youʼre innocent? So, Itʼs better in USA, where, if youʼre guilty, they kill you, so after, if they discover you were innocent, they cannot resuscitate yourself).
18. - Mpare, talia sta foto su Instagram.
- Au, su ci metti nautru filtru a stu paesaggio, ti nesci mpaccu di mabboro.
(- Friend to me, look this photo on Instagram.
- oh, if you put another philter on your photo, it will become a pack of Marlboro).
**UMegghiu** & **Serpotta**
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